We have partnered with BitPay, the fast, easy and secure platform trusted by thousands of businesses – worldwide, to enable guests to pay for accommodation with Cryptocurrency.
• Guests can book directly with our hotel reservations team via email or over the phone.
• Once the booking is confirmed, our team will send an invoice via email with a payment link.
• Paying the invoice consists of 3 steps: Select the wallet and cryptocurrency you want to pay with. Fill in the payment details in your wallet. Validate the transaction from your wallet.
• Done! Our reservations team will then confirm your reservation with you via email.
• All Cryptocurrency reservations are to be paid in full at the time of booking.
• Cryptocurrency payments are non-refundable. The amount paid will be held in credit, to be applied to a future stay within 1- 2 years. Blackout dates such as major US and Jamaican holiday periods will apply.
• Minimum stay is 10 nights for our Rumba Rooms and Cabins.
• Minimum stay is 7 nights for our private villas, Sanwood, Panorama and Cocosan.
For more information and to read our FAQs please click here.